Nettify Chromecast Lock

Anti-Theft || Anti-Damage || Anti-Reset

Nettify Chromecast Lock enclosure is a patent-pending protective Chromecast anti theft cover or casing. It is designed to secure it on TV in public spaces such as hotels. The rugged case prevents unauthorized tampering, damage, or theft of the device, thus avoiding casting service disruptions for guests. Additionally, it helps hotels manage costs and security concerns related to offering screen casting services.

Nettify Chromecast Lock

Secure Your Chromecasts

We all know that keeping your devices safe is crucial, especially in public spaces like hotels. That’s why a Chromecast lock is such a valuable investment. It’s a way to protect your Chromecast from theft or unauthorized tampering. In addition, you can be confident that your guests will have a seamless casting experience without interruption.

Protect Them from Overheating

By leaving most of the Chromecast’s surface free, we allow the unit to cool as Google intended. Avoid full enclosures that lead to hardware overheating and significantly reduce the Chromecast’s life expectancy.

Enhance the Guest Experience

Your guests expect nothing but the best. With Nettify Chromecast Lock in place, you can provide a secure, uninterrupted casting experience. This will not only help guests feel more comfortable, but it will also help ensure that the casting experience is seamless, reducing any frustration and enhancing the overall experience of staying at your hotel.

Save Time and Money

In the hospitality industry, the cost is always a factor. With Nettify Chromecast Lock, you can reduce the cost of offering this service. By preventing theft or unauthorized tampering, you’ll be able to minimize the cost of replacing lost or damaged Chromecasts.


Technical Details

Supported Google Chromecast Models:

  • Google Chromecast 2nd generation
  • Google Chromecast 3rd generation
  • Chromecast with Google TV (4th generation)

The Mounting Kit Includes the Following:

  • Chromecast anti theft security enclosure
  • Security mounting screws
  • Stainless steel security strap

Easy to Install:

  1. Mount the lock enclosure onto the Chromecast.
  2. Tie the lock to a TV bracket or cabling using the supplied stainless steel strap.

Overheat Protection:

    By leaving most of the Chromecast’s surface free, we allow the unit to cool as Google intended. Avoid full enclosures that lead to hardware overheating and significantly reduce the Chromecast’s life expectancy.

That’s it! We have designed the lock with cost and installation efficiency in mind so that the deployment is extremely fast.

Nettify Cast

Looking for more than just a Chromecast lock? Check our Chromecast solutions for hospitality and IPTV for hotels with casting.

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